:: Keynotes
1: R&D Efforts towards Next-Generation Network in NTT

By Mr. Tadanobu Okada, Associate Senior Vice President, Executive Director
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, JAPAN


Services provided by optical networks are coming closer to the home in Japan. The growth rate in the number of FTTH users now exceeds that of ADSL users. The increase in FTTH users is expected to be further accelerated since Japanese broadband service has now become the cheapest around the world as shown in ITU Internet Reports 2005. Against this backdrop, NTT set a target of moving 30 million customers to optical access by 2010. Moreover, experimental networks with same function as full-scale next-generation networks (NGN) will be built in greater Tokyo and Osaka areas by the end of this year. In the networks, a lot of NTT's technologies will be verified whether to go into the final NGN. The presentation explains NTT's roadmap for building the NGN. In addition, optical access technologies and functions supporting service cooperation among providers will be focused as the major features of Japan's broadband market.

About the speaker

Tadanobu Okada has been an Associate Senior Vice President, Executive Director of NTT Information Sharing Laboratory Group since July 2005.

He was involved in development of NS8000 digital switching systems and architecture design of NTT Group's networks among others. He was also active in CCITT (currently ITU-T) standardization of ATM and B-ISDN, and in national standardization of PHS. He is a senior member of IEEE Communication Society. He also served before as the Vice President of IEICE CS.


  • Mr. Tadanobu Okada
  • Associate Senior Vice President, Executive Director
  • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, JAPAN


2: The IP Multimedia System (IMS) as a Platform for Fixed-Mobile Converged Services in an NGN Environment

By Prof. Berthold Butscher
Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin, GERMANY


After a long period of circuit oriented communication in fixed and mobile networks, the Internet Protocol is massivly influencing this field of communication. The presentation shows the smooth transition to a new network environment: the so-called Next Generation Network - NGN. The participating standardisation organisation and their roles are explained. An essential part of NGN is the IP Multimedia System – IMS, which provides a horizontal service platform for the unique development of applications available in fixed and mobile networks. The main architedture principles and bulding blocks of IMS are described. To demonstrate the power of IMS some applications are given: IPTV, Voice Box as FMC-service and the upcoming eCommunity services are described in some detail.

About the speaker

Berthold Butscher received the Dipl.-Ing. Electrical Engineering/Information Technology from the University of Applied Science Konstanz and Technical University of Berlin, Germany).

Currently, he is the Executive Vice Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems - FOKUS - in Berlin, Germany.

From 1986 to 1998, he was responsible for the section "Integrated Communication Systems" at the Deutsche Telekom Berkom in Berlin (part-time).

Speaker of the mutual specialist group "Communication and Distributed Systems" of Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) and Informationstechnische Gesellschaft (ITG) (1992 - 2001)

Fields of activity: Integrated Networks, Seamless Communication, Interoperability and Multimedia-Communication


  • Mr. Berthold Butscher
  • Executive Vice Director
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems, FOKUS, GERMANY
  • Office at FR 5101: +49 (30) 314 214 51
  • Office at FR 6016: +49 (30) 34 63 72 00
  • E-mail: butscher@fokus.fraunhofer.de


3: IMT-Advanced Vision and KDDI's "Ultra 3G" Plan

By Dr. Shin Nomoto
Executive Director of KDDI R&D Labs, Vice President of Communication Society of IEICE, Chair of Technical Study Group, IMT-Advanced Subcommittee, Advanced Wireless Communications Study Committee, JAPAN


In Japan, the 3G systems have already aquired the majority of mobile subscribers and many new services/applications are introduced. Also, various broadband wireless systems are developed or under development towards higher and higher bit rates. In this speech, after the review of trends of wireless and wired communication systems, the vision of IMT-Advanced, especially from users' perspective, will be clarified. Then, the "Ultra 3G" Plan of KDDI, the second largest telecommunications carrier in Japan, will be presented. Some related research activities will also be introduced.

About the speaker

Shin Nomoto received B.E., M.E., and Ph.D degrees, all in electrical engineering, from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan in 1980, 1982, and 1993, respectively. He is now an Executive Director of KDDI R&D Labs, Vice President of Communication Society of IEICE, and Chair of Technical Study Group, IMT-Advanced Subcommittee, Advanced Wireless Communications Study Committee, Japan.

He is a senior member of IEEE.


  • Dr. Shin Nomoto
  • Executive Director
  • KDDI R&D Labs.
  • Vice President of Communication Society of IEICE
  • Voice:
  • Fax:
  • E-mail:


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